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Gratifii Limited (GTI.ASX) 

SaaS - Enterprise Loyalty & Rewards Platform 

About Gratifii

Gratifii (ASX:GTI) is an ASX-listed technology company that enables enterprises to drive customer, member and employee engagement with loyalty and rewards programs.

The Company’s end-to-end model includes three market leading integrated service offerings:

SaaS Platform: Gratifii's has developed an enterprise grade full API, SaaS based modern loyalty and rewards engine.

Rewards Content: Gratifii delivers enterprises an extensive and exciting portfolio of rewards

Marketing Services: Gratifii provides engagement ‘as a service’, business programs and marketing services

Candour and Gratifii

Candour Asset Managment invested into Gratifii when the Company re-listed onto the ASX in late 2020.  

As Gratifii begun to successfully rollout its loyalty and rewards platform, Candour Advisory was formally engaged on a corporate advisory and investor relations basis in early 2022. 

Over the past 18 months, Candour has played a pivotal role in executing three capital raises, which have facilitated three acquisitions and numerous enterprise contracts. 

Candour Commentary 

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Successful Capital Raises

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